Real Estate Investing – Property Investor Program

New investors

Where do you start?

Property investing can make you some good money, but there is a lot to consider and it can be difficult getting started. If you don't have finance - what do you do? And if you can get finance but you buy the wrong property, you'll not only waste a lot of time, but also a whole lot of money. Fortunately, we are here to help you avoid making costly mistakes.

We help new investors get around finance barriers, buy the right properties, and grow profitable investment portfolios.

Everyone was a newbie at one point – and not just in property.

No one was a born a pilot, an accountant, a doctor or a nurse.

All of us, the best of us, at some point, decided what we wanted to do, and then went out and gathered the requisite knowledge to allow to confidently follow our chosen paths.

Property Investing is no different.

But most people out there feel property investing is done the mediocre way. They follow the hearsay methods. Simply buy a property “the usual way”, paying it down over 10 years “the usual way”, then buy another property “the usual way” and then pay it down “the usual way”.

But they couldn’t be more wrong.
This is the mediocre way.
This is not maximized property investing.

If you don’t start, you’ll miss out. Time waits for no one.

You need to buy to make money
in any and every market

And if the market goes up, that's the
cherry on top.

Professional property investors use a plethora of strategies to expand their property portfolios.
Tremendous shifts in wealth through property are now a norm. You don’t need to sit there waiting on 10-year property cycles.

But you do need to buy to make money in any and every market. No matter what the market or climate is doing. And if the market does go up, well that’s just the cherry on top.

So how do you do this?

So how do you get started?

“The Property Investor Program will empower you with massive insider insights so you can get started with confidence.”

Here’s what you will learn. How to get around the problems of no deposit or no finance, what type properties to buy, what to look for and what to avoid, at what price to buy, how to negotiate discounts, how to master vendor psychology, how to buy, where to buy, how to structure your lending, outside the box funding, capital gains, cashflow, irrespective of whether the market moves up or not.


Creative property acquisition could be your first step towards financial freedom through positive cashflow and capital growth and ultimately - early and wealthy retirement.

Are any of these obstacles
holding you back?

You don’t have enough savings for a deposit.

You don’t have the borrowing capacity.

You don’t have the knowledge, experience or confidence, and you desperately need help.

You are scared of making costly mistakes.

You are procrastinating and waiting for a miracle.

You have no idea where to start?

You are too busy.

You don’t want to buy a lemon.

You're not alone. And that's why we're here.

Most first-time investors experience similar challenges. These obstacles prevent many from getting started, costing them years of lost investment returns and a lot of time and money. You don’t want to be priced out of the market over time.

“Problems are nothing but wake-up calls for creativity”

The ‘Property Investor Program’ at PropertyMojo will arm you with the strategies, the know-how, the tools, to kick start your property investing journey with a bang. 

Whatever your circumstances, one or more of our multitude of strategies will transform you to hit the ground running. Some may even call the ‘Property Investor Program’ an ‘unfair advantage’ over the rest. 

There is no shortcut to success. We will arm you with the unfair edge and advantage, however action and hard work are imperative. The next step is to join the Property Investor Program and start your journey.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Learn how to build wealth through property investing. Get started today with a free phone consultation.

What our clients say


Kia ora, we wanted to send you a message to thank you for all of the work you have done to help us get across the line with our new property. We are all sixes and nines at the moment with moving but would love you to come visit when things have settled down! Our very best.

Jenny and Warren

Sunny is one of those people who go above and beyond to assist you on your property journey and make sure you get the best results. His knowledge is invaluable and I am grateful we met him when we did!

Michaiah S

I have introduced all my family members and my good friends to Sunny and they all say the same thing. He is our property guy!
“Sunny is my property guru, with his knowledge, help, motivation, enthusiasm, his love of property and never ever failing to support and encourage me – I have had the confidence to invest in more and more properties. I started in 2012 and by 2015 I had 4 investment properties and a family home. Sunny is always my person to go to and every time I call, he gives me the energy to keep moving forward. I have introduced all my family members and my good friends to him and they are all say the same. He’s our property guy. Thank you Sunny!

Heyley S

We were introduced to Sunny 7 years ago through a friend. I truly believe he is one of the best property/financial advisors we could ask for. From our first meeting with him which has served a number of purposes including financial independence and longer term ability to earn a passive income. This was achieved in a very professional manner, while at the same time putting us totally at ease. He made us feel comfortable and the astute advice provided has already led to significant savings and a secure financial future for us and our soon to be growing family.

After completing the initial course of Property Mojo, we were very impressed with the personalised professional service and advice given to us, and how you have tailored this specifically to suit our situation and future needs. We felt very comfortable to put our finances in your care and for you to guide us in the right direction. It gives me confidence that you are carefully managing our investment and reacting quickly to the changes to give us the best results for the longer term.

We would like to express our thanks for the work Sunny has done for us over the past 7 years. The expertise and attention to detail could not be faulted. Particularly reassuring to us is our feeling of certainty in the absolute integrity of your dealings with us. Your continual advice on financial planning issues has saved us significant amount of money. I would recommend Sunny and the PropertyMojo team to anyone looking to be smarter with their money, and more effective with their property investing.

Nicole B